Pokemon yellow level 100 glitch before brock

How to catch a level 100 Gengar before Brock in pokemon yellow. Duplicate Pokemon: If you need to duplacate a pokemon all you got to do is trade that pokemon and right before it says trade sucsess full 1 of the 2 peeps shut off the Game Boy. Reset the gameboy and leave. Much less of a hassle than ripping off the stem at the top. Check him out in the gameplay below. When I saw the thumbnail, it reminded me of Scycoh. Legends: - Articuno - Elite Four Sidney Zapdos - Elite Four Phoebe Moltres - Elite Four Garcia Celibi - Elite Four Drake Latios - League Champion Steven Brock - no legends but you can catch espeon and glaceon Misty - Rotom Lt. Then Gamefreak fucked it up by having it evolve into this turd. Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow - Just Nostalgia. Say no and leave. To make a pokemon have a powerfull attack train it first and then when its level is when its time to envolve dont envolve it. The Gengar Ring, made of silver. And if you want a gorebyss. Capturing elite four pokemons: - -first find legendaries -second fight till hp is 30 down -third then use the pokeball that cost 4000 -thats 3 steps for easy catching ledgendaries Doubling: - The only way of doubling your pokemon is by either catching them again if you know what i mean or by getting someonbe to trade you them. Easy kill: If you have a game shark and you wanna majorly kill someone, you can put in the cheats to get a certain pokemon into the game shark and go to the 2nd city, talk to that guy who just had his coffe and say that you have time, pokemon yellow level 100 glitch before brock to Cinibar island and put a rare candy into your 6th slot in your items then you go surfing on the east coast line untill you find you desired pokemon and you catch it, if you feed that pokemon rare candys untill it is up to level 255 it will be as strong as it gets keep doing this with champion fighting pokemon. As in turning a corner and walking into something. Then go to Cinnabar Island and surf on the east coast. Gengar level 100 - Duration: 8:21. Repeat this over and over until your pokemon evolves. Open a new tab and battle someone who has the pokemon you want in the first slot. If you do not do this you will just find pokemon from the last grassy area you were in. Then go battle the guy with the slowpoke. Defeat it and you will have 113 master balls. This new unblinking eye is oval and yellow and allows it. Easy level up: - Submitted by: dumbdood2 Put your best yelolw on your team and the brkck you want to level up. Follow along with this video and you will be able to get a level 100 Gengar before even fighting Brock! Power increases each turn. The lower portions turn a more reddish purple, and a third eye appears on its forehead.